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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

About Us

We aim to be the best entertainment club in metro Detroit. Our audience comprises young professionals, blue-collar workers and upper middle-class individuals - in other words, anyone looking for an enjoyable, funny and affordable night out. 

Our goal to is make our audience laugh, forget its worries and find comfort and camaraderie in the hysterical predicaments of American life. We provide excellent service in a welcoming environment, and we consistently showcase the best comedic talent available.

Mark Ridley opened the Comedy Castle in January 1979. Tim Allen and Dave Coulier got their start on open mic in February of that year; Mike Binder was the club's very first headliner. Over the years, just about every comedian to make it big - including Jerry Seinfeld, Paul Reiser, Rosie O'Donnell, Jay Leno, Gary Shandling, Jon Stewart, Dennis Miller, Jim Carrey, Lewis Black, Drew Carey, Kevin James and Ellen DeGeneres, among many others - played the Comedy Castle on their way to stardom. 

Today Mark still hand-picks the club's talent, combing the entire country and Canada for the very best talent available. On any given night, audiences might see Bob Saget on stage or Ron White in the audience.

The Comedy Castle adheres to a three-tier comedian format, which Mark created and is now the standard industry-wide. The format features up-and-coming comedic talent, seasoned local talent and a comic headliner who is nationally recognized with substantial media exposure and a large fan following. Finally, the Comedy Castle remains one of just a few clubs in the country that maintains an open mic night. Join us on Wednesdays at 8pm to see if the next big comic talent starts their career under the famous stage lights of the Comedy Castle! 

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